Tuesday, April 28, 2015

New Blog New Life

Like my blog description states, we've all been through rough times. We've had times where it's rained and even where it's poured, but somehow after a good rainstorm, the flowers bloom. I've had some rough times in my life. I can't say I've had things worse than others. I've had a lot of blessings in life. But it doesn't mean that when I am faced with something difficult, I am just able to get through it like nothing's going on just because someone else may have been through something more difficult. We all have our own challenges. That is what life is about. A rainstorm has hit my life recently. It has led me to creating this blog. I need an outlet. I need a way to speak my voice. I recently lost my job. I may go into details about that later, but it's made me question who I am and what I'm about. Am I good enough for anything? Let me tell you, I have shed so many tears over this. It's been a difficult thing for me to go through in my life. Fortunately for me, I have parents that I can turn to. I have a mom who knows everything about my life. She has been there for me through thick and thin. She's been there for all my siblings in everything they've been through. Well, my mom called me after the job loss and said, "Holly, I don't try to have inspiration for other people's lives, and I don't usually try to tell you what to do with your life, but I had a dream and a thought come across that you should start a blog. You've been through so many different things in life that you could help others through a blog." Now, blogging is not something new to me. I had a family blog that I used to stay on top of for my family members that lived far away. But then facebook and instagram came along, and it's much easier to snap a picture or share a quick snippet here and there, so blogging left me as a priority. But what my mom said struck a chord. I actually love writing. I like writing things that pertain to me, now ask me about a huge research project, and that type of writing is debatable. But I think my mom was on to something. Even if I'm the only one who reads this, I will be helping myself. I will have a way of getting through things... writing about it. This blog is going to be my flower. It is going to be my way of getting through my tough times, and hopefully it will lead to helping others get through their tough times. It will also showcase the many positive things in life. Because, let's face it. We need to look for the positive in this tragic world we live in. So with that in mind, let's dive in and watch for the flowers to bloom!

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